Order inquiry
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Email *
Are you a new or existing customer?
What is the item you would like to order?
How many people are you looking to feed? *
Cupcake flavor options *
If looking for full size cake 
Vanilla frosting
Chocolate frosting
Strawberry frosting
Raspberry frosting
Biscoff frosting
Chocolate cake
Vanilla cake
Chocolate & vanilla marble
If you are looking to order a custom cake and have reference photos. Please include your name email them to info@wokecakez.com or text them to (952)208-4908.
All of our products are made with out artificial colors or flavors. Since colors are derived from naturally ingredients, they may vary from reference photos.  *
When do you need it by? *
Your name and pronouns *
Your phone number *
Your email *
Preferred method of contact  *
Any addition questions or comments 
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